Saturday, January 16, 2016

City Map - Parallel Lines Cut by A Transversal

I found this idea a long time ago.  It's on Wikispaces.

I really liked it and have had my students do it two years now.  I altered it a little

They are more creative than I am, so I try not to restrict them too much.

I give this a little after they learn about parallel lines cut by a transversal.  It's not completely new to them, but some do struggle a little with where each of the buildings should go.  I tell them to make a fake map on a smaller paper before they draw it on the big one.

I do not require them to make large, good-looking buildings.  I know that many of them have much better maps if they're allowed to make simple figures.  If I was the student, that's the position I would be in.

I also hang the prettiest ones on the wall in the hallway, as long as most of their locations are correct!

One map had Mike Wazowski Rd and other animated street names.  Some of them like to have themes, but many of them are pretty standard.

One maps had This Street, That Street, Which Street, Where Street, and There Street, etc.  That may be my favorite!

The two intersecting lines don't have to be parallel, but it's easier if they are!

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